
As a homeowner, you may concentrate on the more noticeable features of homes in Red Deer, such as the landscape or interior design. Sadly, one important component often goes unnoticed that demands attention — the garage door. It not only plays a vital role in safeguarding your vehicles and belongings but also adds to the overall curb appeal of your home. Here are the critical steps to maintaining your garage door in Red Deer to ensure its longevity and reliable performance.

Regular Inspection: Your First Line of Defense

The longevity of your garage door primarily rests on your capacity to identify issues early. A preventative maintenance strategy can ultimately save you time and money. Start with regular visual inspections of the following:

1. Hardware Inspection

Look for evidence of wear and tear on the hardware, particularly the hinges, rollers, and springs. Tighten loose bolts and replace any damaged components promptly.

2. Weatherstripping

Check the weatherstripping along the bottom of the door for cracks or gaps. Replacing damaged weatherstripping can improve energy efficiency and keep your garage insulated.

3. Tracks and Rollers

Ensure that the tracks are correctly aligned and clean. Lubricate rollers and hinges to reduce friction and noise.

4. Balance Test

A well-balanced door is crucial for smooth operation. Turn off the automatic door opener, and then raise the door halfway manually. It's time to contact the experts if it doesn't remain in place.

5. Safety Sensors

Place an object in the path of the safety sensors as you close the door to test. The door should reverse immediately upon sensing an obstacle.

Regular Cleaning: A Simple Yet Effective Maintenance Task

Garage doors must always be free from dust and debris

The climate in Red Deer can be hard for your garage door. The accumulation of dirt, dust, and debris can lead to premature wear and tear. To maintain your door's pristine appearance and functionality, follow these cleaning tips:

1.Exterior: Clean the exterior of your garage door with a gentle detergent and water. Be sure to remove any stubborn stains promptly to prevent permanent damage.

2. Interior: Clean the interior of the door as well, paying attention to the tracks and hinges. A vacuum cleaner with a nozzle attachment can be very effective in removing dust and cobwebs.

3. Lubrication: Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the moving parts, including hinges, rollers, and springs. This will reduce friction and ensure smooth operation.

Weatherproofing: Protecting Your Garage Door from Red Deer's Climate

Red Deer experiences varied weather conditions throughout the year, from freezing winters to hot summers. To keep your garage door in top shape, it's essential to weatherproof it effectively:

1.Seal Gaps

Inspect the edges of your garage door for any gaps or cracks. Use weatherstripping or sealant to fill these openings, preventing drafts and moisture infiltration.

2. Paint or Stain

Wooden garage doors should be regularly painted or stained to protect them from moisture and UV damage.

3. Winterization

Before winter sets in, check the insulation in your garage. Proper insulation will keep your garage warmer and reduce stress on your garage door during extreme cold spells.

Professional Maintenance: When to Call the Experts

While routine inspections and maintenance tasks can go a long way in ensuring the health of your garage door, there are specific issues best left to the professionals:

1.Spring Replacement

Torsion and extension springs are under high tension and can be dangerous to replace without the right tools and expertise.

2.Opener Repairs

Opener repairs should be entrusted to garage door experts due to the complexity of the mechanism and the potential safety hazards associated with handling malfunctioning openers without the requisite knowledge and tools.

3. Track Alignment

Track alignment repairs require specialized knowledge and tools to ensure safe and precise adjustments, preventing further damage or accidents.

Guarantee the excellent working condition of your garage door by following these maintenance steps. With challenging weather conditions like in Red Deer, garage door care and upkeep is not just a matter of aesthetics but also a practical necessity. 

If you ever need professional assistance with your garage door in Red Deer, don't hesitate to contact Comtec at (403) 872-5394. Our experienced professionals are here to help you with all your garage door needs all year round.